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We love skiing as a family, but it can get expensive really quickly. So, we made a ski van to sleep in!
Read our breakdown of how we did it so your family can save on lodging costs and still enjoy this amazing outdoor sport as a family.
Camping How-To
- The Down and Dirty Guide to Camping with Kids by Helen Olsson (2012)
- Camp Out!: The Ultimate Kids’ Guide by Lynn Brunelle (2007)
- The Kids Campfire Book by Jane Drake and Ann Love (1996)
- Camping for Kids (Into the Great Outdoors) by Melanie Ann Howard (2012)
- Camping With Kids: Complete Guide to Car Tent and RV Camping by Goldie Gendler Silverman (2013)
- Tent And Car Camper’s Handbook: Advice for Families & First-timers by Buck Tilton (2006)
- Babes in the Woods: Hiking, Camping & Boating with Babies and Young Children by Jennifer Aist (2010)
Camping Activities
- Sleeping In A Sack: Camping Activities for Kids by Linda White (2000)
- Mac King’s Campfire Magic: 50 Amazing, Easy-to-Learn Tricks and Mind-Blowing Stunts Using Cards, String, Pencils, and Other Stuff from Your Knapsack by Mac King (2010)
- Scary & Silly Campfire Stories: Fifteen Tales For Shivers & Giggles by Kimberly Eldredge (2012)
- Fun Campfire Stories by John Bradshaw (2009)
Camping Recipes
- 100 Easy Camping Recipes by Bonnie Scott (2012)
- Campfire Cooking by Publications International, Ltd. (2018)
- Camping Recipes: Foil Packet Cooking by Bonnie Scott (2013)
- Hungry Kids Camp Fire Cookbook by Deb Graham (2013)
- Cooking On A Stick: Campfire Recipes for Kids by Linda White (2000)
- Pie Iron Recipes by Darren Kirby (2015)
Backpacking & Hiking
- Backpacking with Babies and Small Children by Goldie Silverman (2010)
- Backpacker Magazine’s Hiking and Backpacking with Kids: Proven Strategies for Fun Family Adventures by Molly Absolon (2012)
- Get Your Kids Hiking: How to Start Them Young and Keep it Fun! by Jeff Alt (2013)
- Babes in the Woods: Hiking, Camping & Boating with Babies and Young Children by Jennifer Aist (2010)
- How to Solve a Problem: The Rise (and Falls) of a Rock-Climbing Champion by Ashima Shiraishi and Yao Xiao (2020)
- A-B-Skis: An alphabet book about the magical world of skiing by Libby Ludlow and Nathan Jarvis (2019)
- I’m Smart. I Know the Code! by Nathan Y. Jarvis (2020)
- Safely Ski from A to Z by Mary Stubbs Palmer (2011) (Review by Brave Ski Mom)
- Snowmastodon!: Snow Day Adventure by Amiee White Beasley and Paul Antonson (2011) (Review by Brave Ski Mom)
- Snowmobile: Bombardier’s Dream Machine by Jules Older and Michael Lauritano (2012) (Review by Brave Ski Mom)
- Sliding in the Snow by Melissa Dymock and Fran Lee (2015) (Review by Brave Ski Mom)
- Kids’ Travel Guide – Ski: Everything kids need to know before and during their ski trip by Lisa Marie Mercer and Shiela H Leon (2016) (Review by Brave Ski Mom)
- Sharing Nature with Children by Joseph Cornell (1998)
- Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder by Richard Louv (2008)
- Nature Log Kids: A Kid’s Journal to Record Their Nature Experience by DeAnna Brandt (1998)
- Moving the Classroom Outdoors: Schoolyard-Enhanced Learning in Action by Herbert W. Broda (2011)
- Small Wonders: Nature Education for Young Children by Linda Garrett (2006)
- Smart by Nature: Schooling for Sustainability (Contemporary Issues) by Michael K. Stone (2009)
- Survivor Kid: A Practical Guide to Wilderness Survival by Denise Long (2011)
- The Nature Principle: Reconnecting with Life in the Virtual Age by Richard Louv (2012)
- Backyard Birding for Kids by Fran Lee (2005)
- The Kids Book of the Night Sky by Ann Love, Jane Drake, and Heather Collins (2004)
- Tools of Navigation: A Kid’s Guide to the History and Science of Finding your Way by Rachel Dickinson (2005)
- Tracks, Scats and Signs by Leslie Dendy (1996)
- Trees, Leaves & Bark by Diane Burns (1995)
- Follow That Map!: A First Book of Mapping Skills by Scot Ritchie (2009)
- Mapmaking with Children: Sense of Place Education for the Elementary Years by David Sobel (1998)
- National Geographic Kids Bird Guide of North America by Jonathan Alderfer (2018)
- My Nature Journal: A Personal Nature Guide for Young People by Adrienne Olmstead (1999)
- We Love Nature!: A Keepsake Journal for Families Who Love to Explore the Outdoors by Stacy Tornio (2014)
- Keeping a Nature Journal: Discover a Whole New Way of Seeing the World Around You by Clare Walker Leslie (2003) (Review by Outdoor Kid Handbook)
- The Nature Connection: An Outdoor Workbook for Kids, Families, and Classrooms by Clare Walker Leslie (2010)
- Travels with Baby: The Ultimate Guide for Planning Trips with Babies, Toddlers, and Preschool-Age Children by Shelly Rivoli (2007)
- Take-Along Travels with Baby: Hundreds of Tips to Help During Travel with Your Baby, Toddler, and Preschooler Paperback by Shelly Rivoli (2010)
- The Rough Guide to Travel with Babies and Young Children by Fawzia Rasheed de Francisco (2008)
- Best Hikes with Kids: Western Washington & the Cascades by Joan Burton, and Ira Spring (2006)
- Best Hikes with Kids Colorado by Maureen Keilty (2012)
- An Outdoor Family Guide to Rocky Mountain National Park by Lisa Gollin-Evans (2011)
- Best Hikes with Kids in Oregon by Bonnie Henderson (2007)
- Best Hikes with Children in Michigan by Jim DuFresne (2001)
- Best Hikes with Kids: San Francisco Bay Area by Laure Latham (2011)
- Best Hikes with Children in New Mexico by Bob Julyan (2003)
- Best Hikes with Kids: Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine by Emily Kerr, Thomas Lewis, and Cynthia Copeland (2007)
- Outdoors with Kids: Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont: 75 of the Best Family Hiking, Camping, and Paddling Trips by Ethan Hipple and Yemaya Clair (2014)
- Best Hikes with Children in Pennsylvania by Sally Trepanowski and Marty Trepanowski (1996)
- Best Hikes with Kids: Connecticut, Massachusetts, & Rhode Island by Emily Kerr, Thomas Lewis, and Cynthia Copeland (2007)
- Kids on the Trail: Hiking with Children in the Adirondacks by Rose Rivezzi, David Trithart, and Colette Piasecki-Masters (2020)
- Flying kids travel guidebooks (USA, Europe, Asia, Australia)
Groups by Activity
- Backpacking with Babies and Kids
- Backpackers Basecamp (only a limited number of posts)
- Backpacking Light (but is scouting-focused)
- Bicycle Touring with kids
- Biking with Kids (Rascal Rides Community)
- CycleChat: Family & Recreational Cycling section
- BikeRadar: Family & kids cycling section
- Bike Forums: Recreational & Family section
- Crazyguyonabike: Touring with kids section
- Hiking with Kids
- Hiking Gear – Babies, Toddlers, and Kids B/S/T (for gear exchange)
- Snowboarding or Skiing with Kids!
- Ski Moms
- Snowsports with Babies and Kids (Cross country/Downhill Ski, Snowboard,Etc)
- Backcountry Touring with Kids (Ski & Splitboard)
Diversity Focused
These are groups specifically focused on getting under-represented groups involved in outdoor sports, including national, local, and worldwide groups. Groups that are focused on a specific region and are family-friendly should also be listed on the local communities section. Groups that are focused on getting kids to play outside in general should be listed in that section and highlighted as a group focusing on diversity and inclusion.
Coalitions that are working to build diversity in the outdoors, where most of the groups on this list were found:
- Diversify Outdoors: began in January 2018 as a coalition of 29 outdoor digital influencers with a combined reach of over 200k on Instagram alone. In that first month, they launched a digital media campaign to promote #diversifyoutdoors which has now been used over 33k on Instagram. They are small business owners, non-profit directors, activists and thought leaders who are harnessing the power of social networks to create an outdoor diversity, equity and inclusion space online and in communities across the U.S.
- Melanin Base Camp: Mission: to increase the visibility of outdoorsy black, indigenous, people of color, to increase our representation in the media, advertising and in the stories we tell ourselves about the Outdoors.
Local Networks
Other groups to check out if you’re looking for local communities:
Outdoor Adventure
Specific Activities
- Brave Ski Mom – Skiing
- Bodes Well – stories of a family traveling the world for more than 5 years
- Cragmama – climbing
- Girls on the Way – Hiking – author of “Up: A Mother and Daughter’s Peakbagging Adventure”
- A Little Campy – camping
- Pedal Adventures – Cycling
- Walk Simply – Hiking
- Jeff Alt – Author of “Get Your Kids Hiking”
Nature Exploration
- Journal of a family with a 10 year old thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail
- 10 Tips for Hiking with Kids by Helen Olsson
- Age by Age Guide to Hiking with Kids (Babycenter)
- Hikes in the Bay Area with Kids (Bay Area Hiker)
- 8 Tips for Hiking with Kids (Relentless Forward Commotion)
- List of Games to Play When Hiking with Children (List Plan It)
Social & Video
- Brown People Camping: Proud IndianMuslimAmericanWoman diversifying public lands & outdoors 1 story at a time!
- Women of Color in Nature: Inviting women of color to play, heal, and journey in nature.